
Monday, April 12, 2010

Family Squares Blanky

Who is this blonde cutie-patootie??  It's cousin Simon from Argentina!!   He's relaxing in the back yard with his 'mantita' (blanky in Spanish.)  This blanky was made from squares donated by members of our family.  Even the white strips are from old linen sheets!

Here is the finished quilt.  I like how the white really showcases the colored squares.  Each square is 3.5 inches, which I think is just big enough to show the character of each fabric sample, and small enough to blend in to the composition.  The finished quilt is 56" square.

Simon's mom Cecilia tells me that it helps her talk to Simon about family members that live far away or are no longer with us.  I wanted to show Simon that we are all connected, even if we don't see each other as often as we'd like!

Here is my daughter Olivia with her cousin in Argentina. Can you tell that we love Simon???