
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

'Grimm Style' Diorama Easter Egg!

As a kid, I used to absolutely love those Easter sugar eggs with the little scenes in them.  I'd image a little story with each one of them- But this one beats all!

See the chicks attacking the bunny!  Notice one chick has had it's head bitten off by the giant bunny.  Try to find the severed head in the moss!  Don't miss the floating mushrooms on the inside walls of the egg!

This scene could have only been conceived by a 13 year old boy- and that it was!

This was one of the projects my friend Shade and I did this afternoon.  Shade is the son of some good friends of ours that had a massive brain stem injury about 8 months ago.  You can read his story here.

I've been doing 'art therapy' with Shade since last September.  Shade keeps me inspired to think up projects that will not only challenge his brain and motor skills, but will  be cool for a 13 year old boy! 

I'll tell you right now that Shade is making an amazing recovery.  He went from a coma and not even being able to breathe on his own to eating, talking, and even getting around by himself!  His dad, Vince, has chronicled everything here on his blog. I credit Shade's recovery to his amazing loving, devoted family, and his sense of humor, which has remained 100% intact!

Anyways, Shade's dad encouraged me to share this project.  I'll be featuring other projects as well in the future.  Vince thought they may be able to help someone else, too.  That would be awesome!  But anyone could make these babies. They are seriously fun!

Grimm Style Diorama Easter Eggs

  • balloons
  • Rigid Wrap plaster infused gauze (Michaels)
  • box cutter
  • liquid acrylic paints (we used Martha Stewart's)
  • foam dot brush
  • aerosol clear varnish
  • hot glue
  • glitter
  • moss
  • easter wind up toys or figurines (Dollar Tree)
  • baby chicks (Michaels)
  • fake mushrooms, flowers, etc
  • plain jar lid


  • Blow up a balloon to desired egg size.  Tie off as tightly as possible.  Trim off balloon end close to knot. (otherwise you'll end up with an egg with a bump!)
  • Cut Rigid Wrap into 2" by 2" squares.  Dip into warm water and apply to balloon, smoothing as you go.  Apply at least 3 layers.
  • Let dry for a day.  Pop balloon! Yay!
  • Mark an oval on front of egg and cut out with a box cutter.
  • Hot glue oval cut out to inside bottom of egg to form a base for your scene.
  • Spray with varnish to seal.  Don't skip this step- it will keep the egg from getting soggy when you paint it.

Shade painting interior of his egg neon green

Shade with pals Liam (left) and James (right) who wanted in on the fun

  • Paint inside and outside of egg with acrylic paints, using a different color for each.
  • Use foam circle painter to paint polka dots on outside of egg if desired.
  • Hot glue scene on inside of egg as desired.
Shade expertly applying glue

  • Brush a thick layer of glue on cut edge of opening.  
The more glitter the better!

  • Shake on lots of glitter.  Shake off excess. 
  • Let dry.  Set on plain jar lid to hold egg upright for display.
  • Make up a story to go along with your egg like Shade did!
Voila! Creepy and festive rolled into one!

Friday, March 9, 2012

William B. Morris wears a Kafflower....

OMG. That's the Kafflower pattern featured on the one and only Barbara Brackman's blog!!!! See the Kafflower adorning the Willam Morris portrait, then scroll down to see close-up of a Kafflower made up in Barbara's delicious William Morris fabrics!! A total honor...