
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Crush on Aurifil

I have a new crush in my life- Aurifil thread!

The truth is, up until a few months ago, I was a thread ho.'  (If you don't know what a ho' is, go ahead and google it.  Have to keep this blog PG  :)

I used any old thread I could get my hands on.  If it matched my fabric, I'd use it.  I thought those people that bought fancy thread must be bananas and, yes, a little bit snobby.

Well, call me a convert!

See, a few months back, I was doing quilting supply show.  Who had the booth next to mine?  Aurifil.

My booth, Aurifil booth. You get the picture.

A few minutes into the first day of the show, I felt someone looking over my shoulder at the handwork I was doing.  A low purring voice with an Italian accent asked,  "Julie.  Why you are not using my threads yet?"  (I swear on a stack of quilting magazines this has absolutely nothing to do with my crush…)

Long story short, Alex Veronelli, one of the owners of Aurifil, gifted me with these gorgeous sample cards and a boatload of Aurifil Mako 50 weight thread to use on my big project I'm working on (more about that later…)

Instantaneous love.  Here's a few reasons why:

-It's so thin that it sinks into your fabric when you use it for piecing.

-The thin-ness is also awesome when you want your quilting to be unobtrusive- like when you are stitching in the ditch.

-It's so thin that your bobbin lasts for-ever.  I would buy it for that alone.  What a timesaver!!

-It's thin, but its really, really strong.  No breakage like cheap threads-  Hallelujah!

-It's super smooth and lintless.  Less time cleaning your machine, and your sewing machine actually makes less noise when sewing with good quality thread (i.e.: smooth and lintless.)  My machine now practically sniffs in disgust when I try to use another thread!

-The range of colors, including variegated is just yummy.  The Aurifil folks have amazing taste in colors.  Even the invisible colors-  The neutral greys are just the perfect shades.  A no brainer for piecing multicolor patchwork.

My fave?  Medium grey.

Want your own?  Available at your local quilt store!  Or stay tuned for a giveaway here in the future...

Ps, if you are not following Aurifil on Facebook, you are missing out!  These guys are hilarious!  Check out some past posts: