
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

'Hand Sewing Only' Pattern List and Discount Code

Anyone for a little hand sewing?  By popular request, here is a complete list of La Todera 'hand sewing only, no sewing machine required' patterns: 

What's the big whoop? Welp, these patterns are perfect for take along projects for car trips, vacations, waiting for your kids at sports events, etc. OR, just something to do whilst watching your significant other's favorite TV program (which may or may not be your favorite too... :)  ) These patterns are also for the folks that want to 'sew' stuff, but don't have a sewing machine or the machine is sick in the shop. Then there are the people that just love hand sewing.  (I'm not talking fancy stitches here, people.  I'm talking big running (in and out) stitches.)

Yay for handsewing!  And just to celebrate that concept, we're having a little sale!  Just hop on over to the shop.  Use the code HANDSEWING and get 25% of your entire order, just like that! Shazam! 
(thru March 31, 2015)

Friday, February 27, 2015

Adventures in Fabric Book

Hi Blogland!

I'm just having a love attack about my book,  'Adventures in Fabric.'  I'm absolutely wild about how it came out- the graphic designer and photographer are at the top of their games with this book.  And I'm so happy about the range of projects, the reviews that it's gotten (Publishers Weekly, Mark Lipinski, Kaffe Fassett, Brandon Mably, Susan Brubaker Knapp (host of Quilting Arts TV,) Australian Homespun Magazine (Jan 2015,) and more!)
Do you have your book yet?  If not, you can order one here- I'll be more than happy to inscribe it for you if you like.
Already have your book?  Would you be kind enough to pop on over to Amazon and leave me a review?
Made any projects?  Please email me at so I can toot your horn!!
Thanks for reading and I hope everyone has a crafty weekend!!!
I'll leave you with some eye candy from Adventures in Fabric...

Back cover, see Kaffe Fassett and Brandon Mably reviews :)

Mama and Baby Llamas Project

Harlequin Star Pillow Chair Project
Butterfly Bunting Project

Peacock Pincushion Project
Lavish Lantern Ornaments Project
Plumeria Placemats Project
Susan Brubaker Knapp wearing a Zaftig Zinnia she made from the book :)  Isn't she gorgeous?  She never ages!!

Front cover

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Welp, the holidays are over and the rhythms of real life are taking over again...  I'm grateful for the return to routine, actually.  Maybe it's age, maybe it's life changes.  But I'm ready for routine!!

The holidays begat some personal projects.  Personal projects for me usually mean quilts and working from my personal stash of recycled cotton shirts.  Here is the fruit of my labors:

Mapping out a schedule for regular pattern releases for the coming year.  Any requests?  More fabric flowers?  More quilted handbags?  More home decor accessories?  Whadday'all feel like sewing?