
Monday, January 4, 2010

welcome to my blog, fellow toderas!

welcome to my blog.  todera- what is a todera, you say??  todera is an invented spanish word for a woman who does everything...

i must give the credit to my friend cecilia koppmann of buenos aires. (in cecilia's case, it takes one to know one!)  we like to do LOTS of different crafts- a bit of everything.  a friend of hers declared that we must be 'toderas'.

i immediately loved this term!  first, it's so true. can never just focus on one craft- so i do them all! plus, it sounds like toad, my favorite animal in the whole world. double plus- it's an actual place in japan- and i love all things japanese- especially the crafts!

ok, now that our term is out there in cyberspace,  three cheers for all of you fellow toderas out there!!

stay tuned for more posts, pictures, and tutorials!


  1. Love this! Prepare to be "bugged" as I get all this figured out. Want to make sure I get you the attention you deserve. Thanks for the "flower" the way, what do you call them? It's a real winner. When will you have the pattern done..or ready to teach a class? Will get the link up before the end of the day. mgt
