
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mario Quilt

Good mornin'
I'm going to dedicate this post to my friend Lance, who really helped me out in a computer-related jam.
To thank Lance, I offered to make him a quilt.  He had the idea to do a pixelated quilt.  We chose Mario, since that's his favorite game.  The 'vintage' Mario game. Hmmph.  I remember that game when I was a kid. Vintage....
Anyhoo, this is what I came up with.  If you'd like to make your own, finished block size is 4.5".  There are many pixelated images online- find your favorite muse!  Just print it out, work out your block size to fit the finished size you have in mind, and go to town.  I used all Kona solids for this quilt.  The golden buttons are Clothworks wonderful Kinkame Shades in yellow to gold. (Love that stuff!)
If you make one, get prepared for requests, offers for favors, etc.  My son has offered to wash my car for a year if I make him one.  I may take him up on that  :)
So Lance, I hope you enjoy your quilt, and thank you, thank you!!


  1. Lucky Lance! It was fun seeing this one come together.

  2. Lucky me indeed! It's a fantastic quilt and several friends on the interwebs have said they would like one as well. I posted a link to your website Julie ;)


  3. Julie, The quilt is just wonderful! I'm sure he'll love it.

  4. Julie the end result is amazing! To think that I first saw it as a bunch of squares on the floor! Awesome job.

  5. Great job Julie. How fun! I've seen a few quilts done like that, some even using cross-stitch patterns, where each square is one little block.
    What a neat idea! And the solids are perfect for it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Julie, está buenísimo!.
    Pobre Liam... con las veces que habrá sacado papelitos y ayudado en los quilts, es lo menos que merece. No le tomes la oferta del auto!!!!
    beso enorme!
