
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Shaving Cream Bunnies

I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking for this post.
But just for a little background...

Yesterday, my son Liam woke up and declared that he had a great idea- he wanted to cover himself in shaving cream (left over from the shaving cream fight on his birthday) and turn himself into an Easter Bunny.  Predicting a great photo op for posterity, of course I said, "Of course!"

Wanting to share the fun, Liam invited his buddy James over this afternoon. I overheard him propose the idea to James.  James agreed without raising an eyebrow.  Because he knows- this is just how we roll...

Happy Easter!


  1. Creativo como la madre!!
    Me encantó la foto de la chica corriendo para que no la ensucien! jajaja

  2. Felices Pascuas junto a esos conejos!!

  3. Lunacy. And fun! You are such a supportive mother...I would have locked them in shower stall, ready for the cleanup

  4. What fun! My DGD loved the idea too! Hope they didn't jump into the pool to get it all off??

  5. that is so freaking funny! I just showed Max he loved it too! ( was a little jealous we hadn't thought of it!) :)
