
Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy 2013!!

So just to start the year out right, let's talk about color!  

Here is what Pantone is saying are the hot colors for 2013.  What do you think?

Myself, I was immediately drawn to Monaco Blue, Dusk Blue, Grayed Jade, and African Violet.

It occurred to me that those are the colors out of this chart that I'd wear!  Then I got to wondering- how many of my quilt fabrics to I buy on impulse because they are colors I go with my coloring??  I just had to check, and yep, there are a lot of 'summer' colors in the heap! Hmmm...

I know that when I'm designing a quilt for someone, my instinct is to choose fabrics that that person would look good wrapped up in.  NOT what might look good in their living room.

(Of course when designing fabrics, I keep everyone in mind and go for lots of options- it's more about contrast and blending and stretching boundaries...)

What do you think?  How do you choose your quilt fabrics?  What's your favorite color from the list?


  1. Funnily enough, I think I'm the opposite. I choose the colors I love but can't wear. Though, if the quilt is for someone else I do think about their taste in their home and go from there.

  2. yes me too pretty much except there is no pink , i heard Emerald green was the color of the year. Pantone has said that it is the color for 2013. Where can i buy your fabric , i love it !!! I want to make the lava lamp quilt, to take to camp. :) Vicki

  3. Hi Nurse Vicki!
    You are right, that (#3) Emerald green is supposed to be the #1 hot color for this year. It's kind of like Jadite green- you know, those fancy dishes our grandmothers had? Love it.
    Fabric available at online at Equilter, Hancocks of Paducah, etc. Locally at the Sewing Studio.
