
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sweet Sakura Brooch Tutorial

Sweet Sakura Brooch

When Better Homes and Gardens asked if I'd like to do a guest post over on their new site,,  of course I said, "Heck, yeah!"  What does Better Homes and Gardens specialize in?  Gardens and Quilting! (Just like us!!)

Did you know they have 4 magazines just for quilters and sewers - American Patchwork & Quilting, Quilts and More, quilt Sampler, and the new "Make it Yourself" magazine?? And 2 websites- and ! They are INTO it!

So I've had this idea for a sakura (cherry blossom) simmering in the back of my brain for awhile now.  I just love them, especially en mass like in the parks in Washing DC, and of course in Japan!

It's just about cherry blossom blooming time right now, so I thought it would be a perfect time to do up the tutorial.  According to my research TODAY has been declared peak cherry blossom action by the!  How cool is that!  Check out these photos from their site dedicated to sakura-philes (yep, I just made that up just now :)  

And coincidentally, I just received my first bits of my new fabric line, "A Closer Look" (produced by Clothworks) and thought the pink, yellow, and lime versions of the Salt group were just the ticket for this flower:


Make bunches of them and put them on an art quilt, handbag, or headband.  Wear a single blossom on your lapel.  Make a bunch for everlasting wedding accessories!

Whatever you make them for, please post photos on our Facebook page- I'd love to see them!

Link to tutorial: Sweet Sakura Brooch

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