
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

PDF Patterns in the House!! (Ok, in the online store!)

Did you know that U.S. Postal have increased yet again???

That was my last push to convert La Todera patterns available on my website and etsy site to PDF form. No more shipping costs for you, and no more stamp chasing for me!

Truth be told, I've gotten hundreds of requests for PDF patterns from far flung fans around the globe.  Not everyone lives near a quilt shop, and not everyone lives in a place where the postal system is, well, ...trustworthy.

And then there are those, (like me!!) that when they want a pattern, THEY  WANT IT NOW!!

Same patterns in a similar, familiar format, 'cept now you can have instant gratification with an instant download!

Why not treat yourself to a few of the patterns you've been wanting to try?

Get 10% off your order from 
this week (through 2/2/16) 
with code: INSTANT.

Still prefer the hard copy patterns? You can find the paper patterns in your favorite quilt shop.

Here are a just a few of my favorite quilt shops:

The Quilt Asylum


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